More Than 25 Years Of Defense Advocacy
In Criminal And Military Courts

Hiring The Right Military Court-Martial Appeals Attorney In Hawaii

If you’re interested in appealing the results of a military court-martial – as is your right after a court-martial conviction – it is crucial that you have the right appeals attorney on your side. In some cases, the appeal can get the conviction overturned, so do not assume that your case is over just because the initial session has concluded. There are steps you can take moving forward.

When you work with us at Tipon Law Firm, LLLC, you get the benefit of our extensive experience in the area of court-martial cases and criminal appeals. Our team works hard on your behalf, and we are dedicated to our clients here in Hawaii and throughout the West Coast and Mainland Japan. We understand the intricacies of the law and can help you explore your options and avoid critical mistakes. When it’s time to fight for your rights, call us.

What Steps Should You Take?

The first step after a conviction is requesting clemency. The Convening Authority can then decide if they want to reduce the sentence or even set aside the sentence entirely.

Next, you set up the appeal with the correct court, depending on the branch of the military in which you serve. The Uniform Code of Military Justice governs this process. Below are the five courts of appeals:

  1. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
  2. Army Court of Criminal Appeals
  3. Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals
  4. Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals
  5. Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals

Finally, with all military appeals, you do have a right to an attorney. The military can appoint one for you, but you may drastically increase your chances of success by hiring your own counsel.

Why You Need An Experienced Court-Martial Appeals Attorney

Appealing a court-martial is complicated, and your future hangs in the balance. Oversights and mistakes could derail your plans. The value of our experience is that we have been through this process many times, we know how to get results and we will ensure that you do everything in your power to protect your future. To set up a consultation with a military appeals lawyer in Hawaii, just call 808-727-1289 today.